Thursday, September 4, 2008

Money Maker!

Money Back guarantee on Gillette Venus Embrace razor up to $11.99 Use it for 14 days and if you're not satisfied, send the original UPC, cash tape with price circled, a 3x5 card with NAZ and reason for dissatisfaction to:Venus Embrace Guarantee Offer #5400-611Box 753525 El Paso, TX 88575-3525(1/31/09)

How do you make money on this????

When you purchase the Gillette Venus Embrace Razor, use the 2.00 or 4.00 coupon that comes in the paper.

Then you have made a 2.00 or 4.00 profit and have a free razor.

There are different schools of thought on the money back guarantee refunds.
Some people simply put the the price was too high as their reason for dissatisfaction. I have also heard that people have stated that there is nothing wrong with the product but they would like their refund, and they've gotten it.

The money back guarantees are just another advertising method to get you to use their product. If you're looking for a razor and you see one that is more expensive but has the "money back guarantee" sticker on it - consumers are more likely to pick it up, because they feel they have nothing to loose.

Plain and simple truth is, the company is hoping that once you get it home you forget about that money back guarantee or never follow through with it, and they have sold another product for more money than you were going to spend. It's called slippage and something companies LOVE to look forward too.

Most people are not going to follow through.

Here's how you can help yourself:

*Set up a station either on your desk, or in your kitchen to do these promotions right away.
Some say the kitchen is the best place because you do them right as you are putting your groceries away.
Personally, I take the item to my desk and sit it with the receipt, so I see it and know what I have to do. Once it goes in the cabinet or the fridge you're going to forget about it. Either that or your family won't know that you need to save it and will help by throwing things away!

*At your "station" keep envelopes, stamps, something to cut the upc's off, 3x5 cards, pens, and paper. That way there's no running around looking for supplies.

*Make sure you read carefully what is required for your refund. Some want the upc. Some want you to wait 2 weeks to see if you really don't like it. They want crazy things sometimes - it's all just a gimmic to get you to say it's just too difficult and you don't have time to send it in. That's what they want. However, YOU are smarter than that. And you've realized that by doing two or three rebates, you have enough money for that dinner at olive garden or a movie out. How fantastic is that!

*Keep track of your rebates. Some people keep them in a notebook. I keep mine on a spreadsheet on the computer. I simply type the product name - the po box number - the date i sent it, date it expires, and how much I am expecting. That way if I see a rebate and I'm not sure if I've already done it, I can look on the computer and know right away.

I hope this helps keep you refund and money back guarantee savvy!

Let's hear from the readers.
What's your favorite refund or money back guarantee you've done and why?
Post a comment and share with us!

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