Thursday, September 4, 2008

Money Maker!

Money Back guarantee on Gillette Venus Embrace razor up to $11.99 Use it for 14 days and if you're not satisfied, send the original UPC, cash tape with price circled, a 3x5 card with NAZ and reason for dissatisfaction to:Venus Embrace Guarantee Offer #5400-611Box 753525 El Paso, TX 88575-3525(1/31/09)

How do you make money on this????

When you purchase the Gillette Venus Embrace Razor, use the 2.00 or 4.00 coupon that comes in the paper.

Then you have made a 2.00 or 4.00 profit and have a free razor.

There are different schools of thought on the money back guarantee refunds.
Some people simply put the the price was too high as their reason for dissatisfaction. I have also heard that people have stated that there is nothing wrong with the product but they would like their refund, and they've gotten it.

The money back guarantees are just another advertising method to get you to use their product. If you're looking for a razor and you see one that is more expensive but has the "money back guarantee" sticker on it - consumers are more likely to pick it up, because they feel they have nothing to loose.

Plain and simple truth is, the company is hoping that once you get it home you forget about that money back guarantee or never follow through with it, and they have sold another product for more money than you were going to spend. It's called slippage and something companies LOVE to look forward too.

Most people are not going to follow through.

Here's how you can help yourself:

*Set up a station either on your desk, or in your kitchen to do these promotions right away.
Some say the kitchen is the best place because you do them right as you are putting your groceries away.
Personally, I take the item to my desk and sit it with the receipt, so I see it and know what I have to do. Once it goes in the cabinet or the fridge you're going to forget about it. Either that or your family won't know that you need to save it and will help by throwing things away!

*At your "station" keep envelopes, stamps, something to cut the upc's off, 3x5 cards, pens, and paper. That way there's no running around looking for supplies.

*Make sure you read carefully what is required for your refund. Some want the upc. Some want you to wait 2 weeks to see if you really don't like it. They want crazy things sometimes - it's all just a gimmic to get you to say it's just too difficult and you don't have time to send it in. That's what they want. However, YOU are smarter than that. And you've realized that by doing two or three rebates, you have enough money for that dinner at olive garden or a movie out. How fantastic is that!

*Keep track of your rebates. Some people keep them in a notebook. I keep mine on a spreadsheet on the computer. I simply type the product name - the po box number - the date i sent it, date it expires, and how much I am expecting. That way if I see a rebate and I'm not sure if I've already done it, I can look on the computer and know right away.

I hope this helps keep you refund and money back guarantee savvy!

Let's hear from the readers.
What's your favorite refund or money back guarantee you've done and why?
Post a comment and share with us!

Instant Win Games

Here are some of my favorite instant win games

Gatorade Instant Win 1-888-216-4477 1 phone call per day. game ends 9/14/08.

Kraft Game ends 9/15/08 code 4400001796 link to play

Totinos Instant Win -If you don't have a code, you can use 1800099973. Game ends 12/31/08. Link to play

Hebrew National instant win- Game Ends 9/7/08 link to play

Red Robin Instant Win-Game ends 10/14/08 link to play

WD40 Instant Win game-Game ends on 10/15/08. UPC code you can use in needed 079567100324. Link to play

Good Luck all Dole Salad instant win- Game ends 11/28/08 Link to play

Colgate Instant Win - game ends 9/30/08. Link to play

Herbal Essences Instant Win- game ends 9/30/08 link to play

T.G.I.Fridays - Game Ends on 9/30/08 Link to play

Sears FootBall Instant Win - Game ends 11/21/08 link to play


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Holy Free Samples, Batman!

Whoa! I'm signing up for all these free samples from Wal-Mart, and had to take a minute to pop back over here to let you all know about them!

Use this link

There are samples for:


Playtex Sport

Cottenelle Wipes

John Frieda Hair Care

Benefiber Pour-ins

Wholesome Goodness Cat food - Don't have a cat - but my friend does!

Ultra Gain with Baking Soda

Awesome samples, and these really do come!

Just today we got samples of Scott Toilet paper and Fiber one bars/cereal - both items came with coupons.

If you've got any great free sample links to post, please leave a comment!

Homeschool Happenings

The Princess has been doing really well in her studies!

I just signed her up for a geography fair, with Italy as her country, so if you've got any connections to Italy, let us know!

I'm amazed at her math. She picks it up so fast. She's been doing some books that my sister gave me that were leftover from her class, and she's on the fourth one! They're really pretty easy for her, some days we do eight pages. I'm trying to supplement with other printables I've been finding that look pretty cool, and she seems to enjoy them.

Reading is fun. She gets so excited when she can read words! We have two more days of work, and then we are half-way done with her Kindergarten phonics program. Did we do phonics as kids? I don't remember learning how to read. She's understanding it, and doing well in it, so we'll continue on this course. I really like how idiot proof the curriculum is. It's got bold letters to tell you what you should say, and then what she should say. It's great! Just what I wanted. So, if any of you out there are looking for a program like that, we use Saxon Phonics.

Hubby says he can tell that she's learning because she'll notice things. It makes me feel good as a mommy to know that I can do this. I know it's best for her.

Here's some happy highlights:

A month ago at Taco Bell drive thru
Her in the back seat - Hotttt Pe, pe, pep, pepp, er

Me - What honey?

Her - Mommy, that word is Hot, but that other word is not pepper

Me - (I turn to look at what she's talking about) Oh, honey that word is spot, it says hot spot.

Her - Why mommy, that's a picture of a pepper?

She was right, a picture of a pepper, on the wireless hot spot sign.

Last week - family date night
Princess got to choose - she chose milk and shake (what she calls steak and shake)

Her - Daddy, that sign doesn't say milk

Hubby - right, that says steak

Her - why?

Hubby - because that's what it's really called - steak and shake, not milk and shake

Her - hmmm

And finally - later that night shopping for new clothes for her - on sale of course!

Her - Daddy, that shirt says love on it!

Hubby - honey - she found the word love!

Me - Smile


Freebie is back!

Both winners were happy to hear they had won from the last two weeks, and so I'm back again with another...

This one is sponsored by me, but coupons are from McDonald's, and all sorts of fun fantastic places.

If we can get more than 60 responses, I'll add some lottery tickets!!!!

Giveaway is free, just write your comment stating which blog post you think is best from my blog.

If you post a link to this contest blog from your blog you'll get 2 entries! (Please state in your comment that you've done that so I know)

My Barter to Save us MONEY!

So, after looking over our budget, I was realizing if we want to save, we're going to have to tweak some things. A lot of things! I'll be posting more on those things later, but for now this is how I saved money on our lawn mowing.

We have our lawn mowed. I know - you're thinking - do it yourself already! But we can't - or let's just say it's better if we don't.

I am allergic to grass. I know - how lame is that. But seriously, I've never mowed a lawn - ever.

My husband has allergies and asthma. So, when he would try to mow the lawn he turned beet red, face swelled up, and he'd have to keep coming inside for air, and to use his inhaler. When he was done, he'd shower, and do his inhaler constantly for the rest of the day. It just wasn't worth it. So, we have it done. And our lawn guy is really good. He charges us between 30 and 45 a week. But the bottom line is, we needed to use that money for other things.

I was thinking maybe we could get a neighborhood teen to do it for 10 bucks. But we don't even have our own lawnmower.

The next day I got a call from a family friend that I used to sell stuff for on ebay. He had more stuff to sell and wanted to bring it over for me to check out.

He has a lawn service and asked me when he got here about my current lawn service. I was saying how we had to cancel it.......and then it happened!!!! We could barter!!!! I've read about this so much on blogs, and now I was able to do it! We're going to barter my ebay seller assistant fees for his lawn service!

I think we are both pretty happy about the deal!

I'm looking forward to my next barter! I'm working on one - I'll keep you updated!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Financial Shape in 2008!

I've been doing a ton of reading on blogs about saving money. It's different really, when you look at other mom's and women who are actually living in the moment of saving. I love to read self help books about all kinds of topics, but I've found that lately, reading blogs is putting it all together for me.

In many of the blogs people talk about exactly how much each thing is. Like they'll say - my husband makes x and our mortgage is x. Here's how much we spend on a bunch of other catagories.

Don't worry - I'm not there yet! While I admire them for their honesty, that's not something I'm willing to share yet.

So here's what I will tell you.

My husband got a new job in July - and we LOVE it. By we - I truely mean we. All of us - hubby and I and the princess. He's so much more relaxed at this job, and even though he works 50 hours a week - usually about 55, actually - I really feel like he is around a lot! It's wierd, because he was working a 40 hour a week job, and I never felt like he was around. Anyway, back to the topic........

Since he has this new job, I've decided to create a budget based on that. Yes, I know - starting here you ask? What about before? I'm giving myself props for starting okay!

We're very fortunate that he gets paid every week, and we have a bank that will send out checks for us. So...... I took all the monthly payments and divided by 4 and have a checks sent to all our payers every week. I know it may sound silly - but on our house payment alone, we're going to save a ton in interest by doing it this way. And I don't feel like - oh crap - we've got a huge house payment due this week, and then it's party time next week because just the phone bill is due.

Maybe you don't get paid every week, but every two weeks is good too. Even just your house payment is good. I don't have all the answers - but this works for me. Maybe it could work for you too, and you'd save some money.

Keep checking back, I'll be doing a post on bartering, and a post on lowering your phone bill next!