Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So....... I'm hoping to build my reader base, and to do so, I'm going to offer a FREEBIE!

Who doesn't love freebies? Everyone does, let's be honest here.

So, this freebie, which will consist of things unknown - (by you, not by me!) will start now - whenever you read this, I suppose, and will end August 29th at 10 am.

To enter this freebie contest, you just need to enter a comment on the blog about your favorite thing on the blog, and what you would like to see on the blog. (This blog, that is)

Okay, okay fine. I know the suspense is getting to you. So I'll give you some hints as to what's in this freebie. It has to do with what I enjoy doing, or not doing as the case may be!

Enter away!!!


Danielle said...

I enjoyed your post on the home educator night you attended. It sounds like something that really has a lot of potential. It is too bad that the booths were not better staffed and that more businesses did not attend. As a fellow homeschooler, I look forward to reading more on your homeschooling adventures.

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
Homeschool Unit Studies

Sarah said...

I also liked your post about the home education night - very nice to have a great support system around you. I look forward to you adding to and making changes to your blog. You will find all sorts of buttons and such to add the longer you blog! I would recommend entrecard if you want to bump up your traffic right away (and of course linking to Crystal always helps!!) Thanks for the giveaway - I am sure it will be a fun prize!
kswwmprice at yahoo dot com

Melissa said...

I love Wendy's, so I really enjoyed your post about Wendy's! Posts that are about free food samples or coupons always grab my eye.

Lori said...

Freebies are my fav! That's why I love your blog. I'd love to see more pictures...of any old thing.
Thanks for the mystery giveaway, plz count me in =)


Beeb said...

I enjoyed the link for the Frosty's coupon, I hadn't seen that one yet. I'd love to see more posts about contests and coupons. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

seesawstar said...

Thanks for the Frosty's coupon. I would love to see more printable coupon links at your site!

Thanks for entering me!

pam said...

I too love all the freebies. Thanks so much.


I love all your freebies you list! Thank You

mom to three girls said...

Love the deals-- can't pass up a good deal. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

From your post about the homeschooling group, it seems as though you have a lot of resources in the area that you will be able to utilize. Have a great year homeschooling! :)

Shannon said...

I love the free diaper opportunity. I just called and mine are on the way and it all sounds WAAAAYYYYY EASY! Who knew diapers could be so exciting? You did, I guess, that's why you posted it! Thanks a billion! Looking forward to more freebies!

Frugal Home School Mom said...

I enjoyed your post about Susie Pierce. I am going to look her up because I have never heard of her. We have been homeschooling 4 years and it has been a blast. I will save your blog and will read it. I really don't have a suggestion for you site, it looks good. Maybe you could list store sells matched with coupons or a list of free/inexpensive field trips for homeschoolers. www.frugalhomeschoolmom.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I love the layout! It's pink and bright without being overpowering.

sundaygirl at gmail dot com